jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

the revelations continue

I know it is going to sound obvious but I feel in need of being creative with my wardrobe. I feel like there is no point in buying or making things if I still don't explore the posibilities with what I already have. I'll like to spend this weekend discovering new looks because I feel frustrated when I'm in front of the mirror and I don't know what to wear. I want to be experimental but the truth is that I don't have the courage.
Revelation: I must be brave

p.s. But when you make your own clothes it feels amazing...believe me.

17 comentarios:

Elizabeth dijo...

I'm with you on the "working with what you already have" line of reasoning. I put myself on a new-clothes ban, and it has been surprisingly freeing, not restricting. Try it, you'll like it.

(p.s.: I like that Muse reference below)

Memo de León dijo...

Yay!! I'll respect you even more if you go experimental.

Kenshin Fa dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Romeika dijo...

I should do the same thing!!! And don't forget to tell us about the successful results on building up a new outfit of something you already gotta in your closet;-)

★Mel dijo...

Muy bien!!
Yo he estado haciendo un poco de eso pero con accesorios, aun no logro un resultado del todo convincente .

Seeker dijo...

You’re so right, I think that first we must do an inventory of what we have and how we can mach it, trying different ways of wearing the same clothes, maybe accessorising them, with belts, scarves…
But make it for fun… not with pressure.
I would like to see your new approach.

A yellow vest and a green cardigan are the best, yellow will be a great colour for summer, but you know I’m suspicious because I like to play with colors.

Pisces have cosmological duality, so they’re always in conflict with themselves, between “what they like to do” and “what they must to do”.
My advice is that you meditate, try to reach your spiritual guides and ask them to enlighten you, so you can see your problems in a different way.

Thank you dear for open your blog to all my comments, but I don’t want you to have any problem with your friends.

Take care dear


Kenshin Fa dijo...

I think i've seen the problem here. I'll do this Spanish, sorry, but i hope that Olim will help me with this by translating me.
1)i wrote "commentary" because i was thinking in Spanish; although i do know that the correct one is "comment", i never put attention to what i write in the comments because i... well, because i am lazy (and my dominion of the language is frankly poor)
2)yes, i see what you mean when you say i'm ambiguous, and it is also because i'm lazy (and sometimes i just forget that the other people can't hear the thoughts in my mind).
3)i "ommited" my comments because a) in the first one i thought i was "compensating my bad humor with whom was not guilty" (no estaba buscando kién me la hizo sino kién me la pagara), and b) in the second i found a terrible mistake in spelling, worst than "commentary" (which i didn't see). if i really want to insult somebody (con conocimiento de causa), i do it, no matter what or who, i always speak my mind, but in this particular situation i knew it wasn't fair.
4)my ambigity: the part about the terrible choice of quotation wasn't because of Seeker, but because of Oli's choice of Placebo's (PLACEBO's not Muse's) song.
5) the Seeker: it's not personal: it's collective. i'm always like that, complaining about everything(hasta lo ke no me como me cae mal). A kién chingados le puede importar lo ke diga alguien ke escribe "commentary" aún sabiendo ke no existe??? ni sikiera a Oli!!! simepre me da el avionazo! y esta bien, es la única forma de tratar a un pendejo como yo.
i think that i've covered all the points in discussion in this blog (that weren't about the blog).
oh!!!, and allow me to leave quite clear that it isn't in ANY possible way an apologize, but i don't want to provoke any kind of problems between (or among???) Oli and her other readers neither.

Kenshin Fa dijo...

y también en el comentario anterior cometí errores... ya! me omito, no vuelvo a comentar!!!

Kenshin Fa dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Kenshin Fa dijo...

creo ke ya me gustó eso de echar broncar en este blog. jeje. ya, ahora sí me omito

Olimpe dijo...

Que tal Kenshin..creo que llegaste a casa muy inspirada. Me agrada que expongas tu punto y me da risa que sigues cometiendo errores. El comment de memo creo que lo leiste mal. Me da risa que "eches bronca" en este blog es un fenomeno muy interesante, jaja.

Tu sigue comentando.....siempre es bueno saber cómo opinan los demás.

Olimpe dijo...

Kenshin...no suprimas tus comments

Kenshin Fa dijo...

[comentario omitido] estaba apunto de echarte bronca por la última línea, pero lo dejo en ke ké fresa

Kenshin Fa dijo...

y los coments son míos!!!!, puedo hacer lo ke kiera con ellos!!! jajaja

Olimpe dijo...

jajajajajaja, kenshin...esto de verdad es un fenomeno raro..... está bien suprimelos si quieres. Lo malo es que el mundo se está perdiendo tus comments.

Kenshin Fa dijo...

como si realmente creyeras ke es malo ke se los pierdan...buuu...no te creemos (en nuestra kerida Kenshinlandia) jajaja

Memo de León dijo...

Osea, gente, no malinterpreten mis commentaries!!!