jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

7 things

I was tagged by The Seeker, so, seven things about me:

1. My guilty love are fashion magazines. Althought I'm not a trendy girl I love to see beautiful clothes.

2. I'm not into shoes. I'm used to wear trainers BUT, as a kind of a resolution, I've decided to give them a rest and use shoes. The problem is that I don't have many, so let's say it's an excuse to go shopping. Right now, I love flats.

3. I wear glasses since I was ten. When I was 15 I started to use lenses. As I lost one lense, during a year and a half I used my glasses again. My doctor says I'm not a candidate for the surgery because I have a delicate cornea. Wearing glasses is complicated all I have to say is that I'm used to them.

4. For twelve years I studied in a religious school. And I survived. Everything changed when I started to go to the university, four years ago. I'm studing English Literature and I love it.

5. My current love is Adam Brody. I stopped loving Hugh Grant for a reason unknown to me.

6. Everytime I write something I forget it. It is as if I were taking it out on my system by putting it down.

7. I practiced synchronized swimming for several years. I abandoned it because it was excesively demanding. To many worries for an underage girl.

Now I tag

Kenshin Fa from Pesimismo no ortodoxo en acción
Melisa from Kore Sore
Gabriel from Nothing Special
Memo from Moon in a Silver Bag
Elika from Another Life

8 comentarios:

Diana dijo...

I will never stop loving Mr. Grant, he is so... English... I suppose that's why I love him. And regarding the fashion magazines, mea culpa, I love them too!

Seeker dijo...

Nice to know more about you ;)
Oh, I know what's wearing glasses..., now I weare contact lenses.
Thank you for linked me, I'm flattered, I'm going to link you back, since I really like to check your blog. And thanks for the wishes of good luck :)
Take care

Anónimo dijo...

A mí me gusta la copia pirata de Hugh Grant y a ese sí lo puedo abrazar, jiji.

Olimpe dijo...

Diana, que bueno que estás de visita. Hace mucho que no sé de ti. Fijate que nunca he leído Harper's Bazar. Talves la empiece a comprar.

Seeker. A mí tmb me gusta leer tu blog.

Angélica. No me importa, es gay.

Kenshin Fa dijo...

there's no factible reason to stop loving Hugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and even if he is old he's rich, so: surgery and let's love him again.
and you're also an universitarian girl!!!! don't be jelous of those girls who could hug him.
and I don't care if the copy is gay, perhaps he's wating for the right girl (and that could be me)

Olimpe dijo...

Pero me sigue gustando su acento.

Memo de León dijo...

Deep in my heart I always knew you were a synchronized swimming kind of gal.

Olimpe dijo...

Memo... tú tan sabio como siempre