martes, 22 de enero de 2008

quote of the day

An interesting quote for literature students. (I think)
This is said by Emily Tallis, Cecilia's mother, characters from Atonement

"She has lolled about for three years at Girton with the kind of books she could equally have read at home- Jane Austen, Dickens,Conrad, all in the library downstairs, in complete sets. How had that pursuit, reading the novels that others took as their leisure, let her think she was superior to anyone else?"

4 comentarios:

Seeker dijo...

Something to think about...
People often doesn't look for its inners...


Diana dijo...


Olimpe dijo...

yo tmb sentí la pedrada

Seeker dijo...

Thank you dear for the kind words you left me. I will try to relax on the weekend.