miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

Chaucer and his tales cause sensation

A poem on the Canterbury Tales just because tomorrow I have an exam


'Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote
The droghte of March, hath perced to the roote..'
At the top of your voice, where you swayed on the top
of a stile,
Your arms raised- somewhat for balance, somewhat
To hold the reins of the straining attention
Of your imagined audience- you declaimed Chaucer
To a field of cows. And the Spring sky had done it
With its flying laundry, and the new emerald
Of the thorns, the hawthorn, the blackthorn,
And those bumpers of champagne
You snatched unpredictably from pure spirit.
Your voice went over the field towards Grantchester.
It must have sounded lost. But the cows
Watched, then approached: they appreciated Chaucer.
You went on and on. Here were reason
To recite Chaucer. Then came the Wfy of Bath
Your favorite character in all literature.
You were rapt. And the cows were enthralled.
They shoved and jostled shoulders, making a ring,
To gaze into your face, with occasional snorts
Of exclamation, renewed their astounded attention,
Ears angling to catch every inflection,
Keeping their awed six feet of reverence
Away from you. You just could not believe it.
And you could not stop. What would happen
If you were to stop? Would they attack you,
Scared by the shock of silence, or wanting more-?
So you had to go on. You went on-
And twenty cows stayed with you hypnotized.
How did you stop? I can't remember
You stopping. I imagine they reeled away-
Rolling eyes, as if driven from their fodder.
I imagine I shooed them away. But
Your sostenuto rendering of Chaucer
Was already perpetual. What followed
Found my attention too full
And had to go back into oblivion.

- Ted Hughes

2 comentarios:

Seeker dijo...

Very nice.
Hope everything will go well with your exam. Good luck.

Olimpe dijo...

to say poems in front of the cows seems really funny..I'll try it some day