sábado, 16 de enero de 2010

when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days

Today, I have had an incredible flash back. I was tidying my room and placing my cds in their correct order when I found a cd I bought 12 years ago: Middle Of Nowhere by Hanson

Is any of you acquainted with these guys???

To me, they were the Jonas Brothers' predecesors--and much cooler. You know, three brothers, Isaac, Taylor and Zac, who played their instruments and wrote their songs. It was 100% pop. When I was in elementary school, I was madly in love with Taylor. Unfortunately, when they finally visited Mexico, I was over them. Well, I couldn't help myself from listening to them again.. so nice n_n

Here, their legendary song, first single: mmmbop

3 comentarios:

jimena dijo...

wow los hanson...yo tambien los escuchaba jajaja aww los 90's llenos de buena musica ;)
gracias por tu comment ... espero que pronto puedas ir a nadar tu tambien ...
sabes que lei tu post del sonido del viento y me hizo acordar a esto ... derrepente ya lo viste ...pero este video me encanta!
saludos desde Peru ;)

Diva Robotica dijo...

Hola olimpe, yo tambien fui de la epoca de los hanson y aunque no se mucho de su musica, definitivamente me parecen unos ninos super cool.
Besasos y desde ya te agrego a mi blog roll de mis paisanas mexicanas.
Gracias por agregarme al tuyo.

Imelda dijo...

:) That's so funny, I have that cd to :)
It's so funny when you find old cd's back!