jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

meaningless and forgetable

I found this image on the web that totally describes how I feel.
I do want to write a proper post but I don't know what to say. I don't want to bore you by telling you that I've been working a lot or that I neglected my Russian lessons and now I have a lot of homework. Perhaps, it would be good to mention that I've been reading a lot for my final paper. Maybe, I can mention that I met with old friends and had a nice time. And should I say I miss other friends?
I can show you outfits but I haven't taken pics
I can tell you I've been listening to new music and tv programs

but no, no more comments for the moment

4 comentarios:

★Mel dijo...

Yo tengo muchas entradas palneadas, pro es eso o mi proyecto mmm.
Noticias de útimo momento:
La inspiración ha tocado a mi puerta :|.
Qué le pasa?? Lascosas deben hacerse cuando yo quiero!!! Bueno, como siempre, la inspiración llega bajo presión, pésimo!

Qué bueno que te estás apurando, echale muchas ganas!
Larguemonos de aquí :D

Cuando chismeamos?

Jules dijo...

I understand. Maybe you need to take some rest.

The Brown Mestizo

Kenshin Fa dijo...

i also would like to leave a proper comment but...well, all i can comment is that it is "I haven't takeN..."

Olimpe dijo...

gracias, kenshin