jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

concert, concert FF

Well, I'm a BIG Franz Ferdinad fan and this April, me and my friends and thousands of people had the chance to watch them.. we were so close!!! I could see Alex's smile and Mccarthy moves..

As the concert took place we got closer and closer, believe me!

girl in black

These past days, today, yesterday and the day before I felt like no wearing jeans.. I don't know, they are boring--sometimes.
Here's one of my tries ;)

I love those tights because the fabric has a really cool pattern, I hope you manage to see it, ha.

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Well, it's getting hot here but it rains during night, awful!
This is how I looked last Saturday when I went out with a friend.... .. ...I haven't seen this girl since last year... we had a lot lot lot of things to say. We had a great time :)

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Ages ago, I used to knit.
Recently, my mom asked me to help her knitting some carpets for the house. I thought it could be a way of practicing..and here we are, the first one, ended up pretty ugly, haha, but as I kept knitting my abilities improved.. I think.. well, here's the final result.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

I loved him

..and true love lasts a lifetime

Once upon a time there was the best blog ever or at least one of them. It was written by a guy who worked at bookstore so he used to share anecdotes with clients and books.

It was well written, creative, funny.. I don't know.... ... .. PERFECT!!!

But everything has an end..and Capitan Burton/Sebastian have decided to lead another life and leave.

I'll miss you Capitan Burton, you'll always have a place in my heart..and I'll never forget how, after reading you I became afraid of sellers at bookstores but at the same time realize they have stories to tell and become friends of them..at my favorite bookstore.


I felt like wearing blazer this weekend
blazer+ stripped shirt+ jeans.. I know, I feel I'm behind on tendencies but I don't care, haha.

Sping? What's that! But I know what rain, rain, rain means

...and a lot of Russian homework

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Lola de Valencia

Entre tant de beautés que partout on peut voir,
Je comprends bien, amis, que le désir balance;
Mais on voit scintiller en Lola de Valence
Le charme inattendu d'un bijou rose et noir.

Charles Boudelaire

As I had to memorize a poem for my French class, I scanned my Les Fleurs du Mal book and found this poem. Lola de Valencia, née Dolores Melea was a balet dancer that insired Baudelaire after he saw her performing at Paris. Also, Manet did this portrait as part of a collection on Spanish artist.

It made me think of my friend Mariana, I hope she becomes famous and gets her portrait paint ;)

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

the panic, the vomit

Today I had the weirdest experience at school. Some classmates are a bit behind at Russian because they missed some classes, so , my teacher was revising their exercises and noticed something wrong and ask them about it... something that sounded like cheating. A good thing to consider is that my teacher has this thick accent that although she has a very good Spanish it sounds rough..anyways.. my classmate started to CRY.. yes, he did, and tried to explain how he didn't cheat he just "copied" the words from past exercises and so on (that's kind of cheating). So the rest of us didn't know what to do and neither the teacher, I think. I don't know, it just the kind of think I didn't expect in 20-something-years-old students

what happened in the end? I couldn't stay. She gave me my notes back, I asked something and then she gave me this get-away-from-here look so I left. My other classmates followed me-- and so no more screaming and crying show

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

no please

ush, no more holidays

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010


I feel kind of happy!

(I don't know, I want these plans of mine to come true. I know, I know but.... I'm excited!!)