Today I decided to accept a tiny little job, I mean, extra money is well received. What do you think about my blouse? I haven't wear it since ages ago and yesterday as I was considering what to wear I remembered its existance.

I've missed some classes because of my flu, which is bad because once you start to miss classes, you keep doing it. However, in the mid time I read Harry Potter ( I know I've already read ir but I just can't leave it) and some manga. My friend Melisa from Kore Sore introduced me Nana. It is the story of the different girls that share the same name... interesting. I'm dying to tell you about Atonement but I want to preper a nice post (the novel worths it)
Are you ready for the red carpet???
sorry I haven't left comments but I swear I've been reading you girls. The things is that my internet conexion do not let me comment. I just can comment while I'm at school but because of the flu I haven't gone.
6 comentarios:
me gusta, la tela se ve asi como muy ligera y eso me gusta, algo fresco para este calor de locos de medio dia -___-
ojala si te este gustando Nana y lo disfrutes tanto como yo n_n, suerte!!
y sobre la gripa, prueba el te de manzana con canela por la noche ya que estes en tu cana bien abrigadita, a mi solía funcionarme muy bien.
Oh I love your blouse, good that you've remember it. It's so "in", the gray colour and the flower print in another shade of gray, really lovely.
And the waisted cut.
I could suggest you could try to put a belt just to see how it looks, I'm not sure.
I'm glad you're well now. I think you're a girl to catch you're classes.
Extra money is always welcome :) It allows you to do some "extravaganza".
I'm dying to read about Atonement since I'ven't read it.
Take care dear.
Me gustan las flores de tu blusa,y sí se ve ligera. Me gusta usar cosas que ya estaban olvidadas en las profundidades del closet.
Yep cute blouse, I'm loving florals too! It's nice to find something you forgot you had. I hope you're feeling better.
Mel: Nana está muy padre. Las niñas están bien chistosas y tienes razón, la ropa está linda. Pero sabes qué, me di cuenta que sólo estaba leyendo y poniendo muy poca atención en los dibujos así que tuve qe volver a leer el 2. Pero ya voy en el 3. Ya ves, esto de leer en los caminos.
Seeker. let's see what happens with the belt. Today my new boss gave me an idea of how to keep using the blouse.
Juana nebulosa: encontrar ropa perdida es muy padre.
Miss white: I'm feeling better, thank you.
Great blouse! I'm sorry you've been sick, that's awful. I hope you're feeling better now. I blew off the Oscars, as I always do. I only ever cared about the dresses and jewelry anyway.
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