Did you enjoy the moon eclypse? It just made me think how was it in the past. Imagine, the moon was there and the next minute it was disappering.
I have a lot of homework to do and I'm sick--- bloody flu.

readings I have to do and a list of things that I must do
About the party... I hate everytime I have problems to decide what should I wear. It took me about an hour to choose outfit #3. I chose it because the party wasn't extremely formal, and because I thought I looked like a pregnant girl in #1 and too sexy in #2. I had a great time. I met girls I haven't seen since years ago. We talked and dance a lot. It is always good to have a ladies night. Happy Birthday Aida!!
I'm a Harry Potter fan and tomorrow the Spanish version is going to be released. What I love is that I'm going to meet a friend that I don't see since, puff, ages. I'm still happy but not as euphoric as I was before. And about things that made me happy, Yesterday I watched Sweeny Todd. It is really funny how Johny kills people while he's singing. I loved the "pretty women" song. I think he's a good actor and the movie is really good.
6 comentarios:
I'm s glad you had a good time at the party :) Good for you.
I think you've chose well the outfit.
I felt such a pity because I couldn't see the moon eclipse, but the sky was so cloudy... :(
I hope that you get well soon, dear.
Keep going... you've lots to do yet until the semester ends... but you can do it!!!
All the good..
There's no such thing as too sexy. Not even when sticky green stuff comes pouring down from your nose :p
I love Johnny Depp.
I'm glad you had fun with the girls at the party, but I'm sorry you have the flu! Take it easy and get well soon!
I hope you feel better soon!
Gracias amigaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
te quiero!!! ya viene tu cumple y hay que celebrarlo
Your Bday is comming... you must tell us when it is!!!!
Hope you're feeling better.
You're missed ;)
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