domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

little by little

What do you think? Usually I'd have used A but today I chose B

7 comentarios:

Seeker dijo...

I think you did a good choice!
You look brighter with the beige coat.
I like your shirt very much.
Nice thing you've tried something new.
That's the way... give baby steps until you feel confortable with your changes.


Seeker dijo...

BTW - you might like the style of this girl, she wears lots of pants and jeans.

I'm going to stop telling you urls, so you don't heve time to do your other stuff.


★Mel dijo...

es vdd, me gusta como luces en colores claros!!!!
te va miy bien n_n
sabes que iria perfecto con eso??
zapatos altos XD
aunque se que en esta ciudad es un poco incomoda andar asi.

★Mel dijo...

por cierto, llame hoy en la tarde y a aperte de ser super groseros no tien hora aun, y que llame mañana, me chocan.
mañana intento de nuevo n_n

Elizabeth dijo...

The light color is flattering. The dark color is good too, but I think I prefer the light.

Kenshin Fa dijo...

nice choice

Olimpe dijo...

Seeker: yes, I don't have time to check them all, besides my internet conexion is kind of slow. I've checked 2 and I really like them.

Mel: no tengo tacones pero podría intentar...y que tal si celebramos por nuestra cuenta. Me angustia porque el tiempo se nos está acabando.

enc: I know the change is subtle but I liked the fact that I chose light color.

Kenshin: thanks