Hey! here are some tries... but I still don't know what to do with my hair.

What do you think?
I finished Atonement and I loved it. It is an incredible novel that everybody must read. I'll like to see the movie but my friends budget and mine is limited, haha.
The semester started and I, as usual, have tons of things to read. I felt disappointed because some teachers, who claim to be out of the system, control the students. I mean, we study literature not sciences- there's not one point of view. I've decided that I rather be out of the academic enviroment than be like them. We as students should make the difference, and believe me, we will.
7 comentarios:
if you don't know what to do with it, cut it
I love the t-shirt in the first picture!
The t-shirt is great and I think it looks nice how you worked it in the second picture.
Time magazine included Atonement in its All-TIME 100 Greatest Novels, but I've never read it, as for the movie... it didn't come here despite it was nominated for seven Oscars.
So you students are trying to make a position, do you think it's going to work?
How the weather has been there?
Hit? Warm?
What's your season?
Haha, the everyday struggles of academic life. C'est la vie. I think you should dye your hair in a really flashy way.
Keep going with the light colors, they're working.
"Atonement" is a great book. Ian McEwan is one of my favorite authors, try reading some of his other work, if you liked "Atonement." Watch out for "The Comfort of Strangers," though, as it's the most gnarly in my opinion.
I can't make suggestions about what to do about your hair, as I've never seen it, but maybe if you find photos, and avoid Seeker's unsatisfactory hairdresser, you'll get something you want.
School? Students have all the power. Use it!
I forgot to ask: How's the not smoking going?
Kenshin: Thanks
Seeker: I like the results too. Please read the novel. It's so good.
I'll explain more the situation "against" teachers. The thing is that as I'm back to school I don't have enough time. But I'll do it soon.
It's winter but I told you February is crazy. during the day rains, the wind blows really hard and you can get tanned too.
Memo: no. Por fin tengo mi tono natural al cual extrañaba mucho y quiero que sigamos juntos.
enc: Well I have not enturely abandoned the habit but I'm smoking less ( just one ot two a day)and I have not bought a new package. Thanks for asking
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