miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

dear Santa

Dear Santa, this year I've been a good person, so I think I deserve what I'm going to ask you

1. That my favorite bands come to Mexico.
2. That my friend A. gets her opportunity with el muchachón
3. More free coffee and nice conversations
4. That my crazy next door moves out to Transylvania with aaaall her family

I'm not asking too much, I know you can do it. Thanks.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hey look my style picture in HOTTALOTTA.BLOGSPOT.COM and send u'r comment about my style. By the way , i'm look fashionable or not????

Seeker dijo...

Hope Santa reads your blog!!

LOL love #4 ;)


Aida Soriano dijo...

mil gracias por incluirme en tu lista O. Por cierto, hay que programar el maraton de the tudors y de gossip girl! Feliz Navidad!!