viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

new year!!

After an amazing 2006 I got the feeling that 2007 wasn’t going to be so good. And I wasn’t mistaken. However, as 2008 was approaching I knew that things were going to be better. I consider it a bridge between a bad year and better times to come. Now, I got the impression that 2009 is going to be so much better and I'm ready for it.
Let's have fun.

3 comentarios:

Seeker dijo...



Hope 2009 will be gorgeous and fabulous and happy and.....

I'm sooooooo grateful that we could interact with each other in 2008 and I hope 2009 will keep us in touch, but if we haven't the time enough you know I always will love you.

Big Hug with lots of love


Diana dijo...

I hope the 2009 will be as amazing as the 2008 was. A big big hug!

Kenshin Fa dijo...

i hope you have a better year than the last one!