sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

news: I'm back

Weee, I got it!!!!!
Last week I had the chance to buy The Killers' latest album, Day & Age. I'm still listening to it, deciding whether I love it or not. What I can certainly tell you is that I love Brandon Flowers and I'm so happy that he no longer has a mustache :D

On the other hand, Oasis concert was fantastic. It was my first time and was better than what I expected. Although the auditorium and my place weren't perfect I enjoyed it. Besides, the company was great. They didn't sing Stop Crying your Heart Out but I got the chance to listen to Don't Look Back in Anger and many others that I love. Liam sang Songbird in the most sweetest way, love him. Wonderwall was the most sung by the audience, such a classic! I bought a t-shirt. I'll show it later.

I hope you're getting ready for the festivities that are coming. I've been involved in so many things that I abandoned the bloggersphere, but I'm back, I swear.

I miss you guys, really

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

check my blog hottalotta.blogspot.com.
Diana rikasari picture here in my blog ok. and send u'r comment in DIANA VS SUSIE. i'll be waiting. Areu mexican????

Seeker dijo...

My lovely, dear friend, how good to see you here!!!
No I'm not ready for festivities...
Seems you had a great time at the concert, how great.

Sorry dear, I know I should have said something, but I've been so busy and overwelmed.
I will e-mail you.

Much love, big hug


Elizabeth dijo...

Welcome back!

Thanks for the rundown on the Oasis concert. I'd love to see them.

nv dijo...

aaah the killers! i need to get that cd soon.