domingo, 4 de enero de 2009


Today I got melancholic.

When I was in highschool I had no idea of what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to go to college but that was all. As part of a mandatory activity, I had to attend some conferences on majors and jobs. It was then when I discovered that English Literature existed and I decided to try it.

As I wasn't soooo sure, I didn't study for the exam. I thought, "if the gods want me there, I'll get in" Besides, the test was on my birthday (I took it as a signal). Three months later, the results came. I still remember my mother next to my bed wanting to know if I was in.... I was.

Today, I remembered my first day. I couldn't find my classroom buy fortunately I did find a friend, Mike, who guided me. I still remember that I sat very close to the teacher's desk. I remember Maria Pia saying that she was old as she talked about Rome--all with her Italian accent.

I still remember that I was afraid of Colin and Mario. But they turn out to be nice people and excellent professors

I remember when Priego made us repeat the vowels

I remember when Mario hugged Christian in front of everyone

I'll never forget how much it took me to register my classes

I still remember when Nair used Los supercampeones as an example and we all understood

I still remember Juan Carlos' curls and Linares' accent

I still remember my love towards el maestro guapo, my hatred to Beowulf and my indifference to the Romantics

I remember my gossiping at the social service

I remember my unofficial last class. It was this December. Charlotte gave me my paper back, we smoked and we all said good-bye and Merry X-mas. I walked to the metro station with Ricardo, a recently met classmate, and we shared stories. That was all.

Those days, my student days, are over. Now I'm 20 pages away from closing this chapter of my life and move on. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.

3 comentarios:

Élika dijo...

Such beautiful memories. You made me think of my own, some more or less similar.
I'm so proud that you only have 20 more pages to go!!! And so, am I going to read your tesina???
Besos y feliz año nuevo

Kenshin Fa dijo...

...well, for some unkown reason, at the end we always tend to think about the beginning...

Seeker dijo...

Oli, my darling, what a beautiful post.
So much life and love, but these will be forever in your memories and that's what life is stuffed of.

Hope everything is ok, sweetie.

Much love
