sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009


It turns out that there is an Anual Convention for Russian Language Students. This year it will take place at San Luis Potosi at the end of October.. wouldn't it be great to go? And as a Russian Language student I am invited.

The Convenion lasts a couple of days. During that time you can attend conferences related to language adquisition, culture and Russian life. For example, people who has traveled to Russia, people interested in Russia-Mexico relationship and linguistic discussions. Students and professors are welcomed to participate. Also people from Russia participate, like translators, professors, people from the Embassey and so. Besides, there are other activities like plays, musicals, marathons.... and the University that is hosting organizes tours around the town.

I think it is a good opportunity to meet people who shares my interests that as my professor says, there aren't so many (it cannot be compared to English students, for example), an opportunity to get to know my country and to know more things about Russia :)

Fingers crossed that I manage to go

4 comentarios:

Seeker dijo...

OMG sounds so exciting!!!!!
I hope you'll go and enjoy it the most.

All the best

tons of love


Kenshin Fa dijo...

..and would you take me with you? n_n

★Mel dijo...


seguro estara increible eso de conocer más sobre la cultura!
y aun más, comentar y comentar con gente que tmb guste de ello.
"debes" asistir ^_^

Jules dijo...

Oh wow! Sounds so cool. =D let us know more about this event. =D

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