domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010


trying to establish order in a messy life, haha. Trying to get the best of this week. What about this weekend? Movies and readings!

The thing is that it is hard for me to do things on time. I'm the classic girl finishing her duties three hours before deathline. It is not that I'm lazy (well, not just that) but I'm confident and a last minute girl. The thing is that NOW I do have a lot of things to get done for next Monday--not tomorrow. So, I made this scheduale, praying to be strong enough as to follow it.

I only have 11 days left or the world as I know it will end, haha.

2 comentarios:

★Mel dijo...

La magia está en seguirlo al pie de la letra y yo no estoy hecha para eso -__-

Quisiera ser más ordenada y organizada.
Ganbare Olimpe!!! Nos tenemos que ir! No hay de otra. NO!!

Red Dress dijo...

we two have that in common... the rest of the world can't understand that i work better "under pressure"...
