miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

the panic, the vomit

Today I had the weirdest experience at school. Some classmates are a bit behind at Russian because they missed some classes, so , my teacher was revising their exercises and noticed something wrong and ask them about it... something that sounded like cheating. A good thing to consider is that my teacher has this thick accent that although she has a very good Spanish it sounds rough..anyways.. my classmate started to CRY.. yes, he did, and tried to explain how he didn't cheat he just "copied" the words from past exercises and so on (that's kind of cheating). So the rest of us didn't know what to do and neither the teacher, I think. I don't know, it just the kind of think I didn't expect in 20-something-years-old students

what happened in the end? I couldn't stay. She gave me my notes back, I asked something and then she gave me this get-away-from-here look so I left. My other classmates followed me-- and so no more screaming and crying show

2 comentarios:

Imelda dijo...

How weird that someone starts crying in your class, really weird :)

andriux dijo...

wow... something of the sort happened to me this week. During a presentation this guy got completely blocked, he started sweating, talking nonsenses, even shaking a bit and his face got redder and redder. The teachers wouldn't tell him to stop the presentation, so we just had to sit there watching him suffer.
There's something really weird and awkward about watching people this age expose their feelings like that.