miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

the city of blinding lights

It doesn't matter that I couldn't celebrate as much as I wanted due to the flu, I just couldn't miss the chance to see what was settled for the expectators, especially the lights, the lights, the lights, haha.
So here they are for you as well, just the ones from the main square, downtown

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

where are thou?

Why I find it so hard to find a "perfect" hairdresser, a mixture of creativity, location near my house and reasonable prices??? Why, why??? Is it like finding a good dentist, good doctor and a good lawer??
Not so long ago, I was real happy with my hairdresser but she quit because she was going to have a baby and since then, I've been wandering!
I've been keeping it cool, you know, no, big changes because I don't want my hair ruinned.. but now, I feel like a change and I don't know where turn to :(
And I want a cool hair for Belle & Sebastian's concert!

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


Sorry guys, you'll have to bear with me and my excitement with Belle & Sebastian's concert... I mean, they are so cool and they going to give a small performance in about 14 days.. I'm so excited!!!
After years and years of prayers, they are finally coming to my beautiful country!!!!!

Anyways, I'm finally feeling better although I still feel a bit sick, it must be some allergy as well, for example, today, I couldn't stop coughing when I was around Mona. I feel like lying on the grass listening to music.. maybe tomorrow! Or maybe not as when I was sick I didn't do anything as my brain status was Neanderthal, so now I have tons of things to prepare and finish :p

make me dance I want to surrender!

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

it is not nice being sick

I'm so sad because the flu kept me from tons of activities I wanted to do. But, finally, I'm feeling better and tomorrow I will watch the Patriots' match. So, I was forced to stay home, in bed, resting. But as my mind wasn't focussed I couldn't do things related to work and school. However, I found new blogs, caught up with friends through facebook and rehearsal for Belle and Sebastian's concert.

So, I hope my life comes back to normality by Monday and I can meet with the friends that just came back to the country, one was touristing and two were studying (or so they say, lol).
I know, boring entry but, hey, give me a chance, I haven't feel well and I'm dying to come back to real life pretty soon. It is funny but when we are busy we want a break and when we have it we can't wait to come back to work, so I was sick and I want to just hang around the city again!

So, I here is one of my favorite songs that I hope to hear at the concert.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010


So, today my country celebrates its 200 years of being independent and as 200 is a big number, since 2010 started the gouvernment and everybody are making a big deal. So tonight and tomorrow the greatest celebration will take place.

One of my favorite things are the lights and decorations that take place downtown. Tomorrow, when "el grito de independencia" will start, they expect to see 50,000 people in there.. so big is my city. Well, every year there are decorations, you know, the faces of the important guys to help us to be independent, symbols related to the independentist movement, etc.. it's really cool to go downtown at night.

Another thing was this tv program called Discutamos Mexico, where researchers and specialists were talking about the country since pre-hispanic times to contemporary issues like education and media. It was made in this really not-boring way, and there were debates and discussions and not just doctors giving another talk (pretty interesting o_O)

Tv programs have been released, for example, "Gritos de muerte y libertad". This is like a series that presents sort of the B-side of certain historical events. So do movies like the one called "Hidalgo" it talks about the life of the guy that started the independence movement called Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, trying to portray his real being apart from the heroic image we all have of him.

There have been food contests, short film contests, sport-ish events... everything that has happened this year is surrounded by the "Bicentenario vibe"

Streets have been equipped, buildings have been re-built, books have been written...

Anothe project that I looove is this guy that usually does short films about literature and culture and so he made a couple (this one bellow is my favorite) related to the independence period.

.. And I'm not sure what is going to happen in another parts of the country so, as you can see, in a couple of hours we, Mexicans, will be having a good time!!

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

to draw

I want to show you some drawings made by a
friend. I really love her style and imagination and that she traveled all the way to London to live her romance, haha.

BTW, I'm being attacked by the flu :(

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

it's (not) raining men

Since last Thrusday it's been raining all the time. Summer is saying bye-bye! I find it entertaining but I definitely miss the sun. Anyways, it has been the perfect opportunity to wear boots and tights ;)

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

colour my life with the chaos of trouble

I'm soooooooooo into nail polish nowadays mainly because it keeps me from bitting my nails, also because I think it looks femenine. But I'm not into big designs or really long nails because I feel I can't use my fingers properly ;)

Here are my latest purchases!

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010


Seriously, something must be done.. I have to come up with something to fight my silly habit of not standing up straight. At this pace, sooner or later I'll look as humped as Snow White's witch, I mean it. I don't know, I'll try to exercise more or take dancing classes.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010


Today's my mom's birthday!

Early, in the morning I sang Happy Birthday to her and decorated her room, ha ha. After work we went to do some shopping (she now has three new blouses, one of them can be used for the first time next Saturday at her official celebration) and I ended up with a pair of boots. After that, kind of exausted, we had lunch at this place that she loves that offers Spanish food, she had paella, i had fish. We run away from the rain on a cab and got home save. We watched a movie and now we're resting after such a long day.
Here we are making funny faces at new year's eve celebration last December.