viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


Sorry guys, you'll have to bear with me and my excitement with Belle & Sebastian's concert... I mean, they are so cool and they going to give a small performance in about 14 days.. I'm so excited!!!
After years and years of prayers, they are finally coming to my beautiful country!!!!!

Anyways, I'm finally feeling better although I still feel a bit sick, it must be some allergy as well, for example, today, I couldn't stop coughing when I was around Mona. I feel like lying on the grass listening to music.. maybe tomorrow! Or maybe not as when I was sick I didn't do anything as my brain status was Neanderthal, so now I have tons of things to prepare and finish :p

make me dance I want to surrender!

1 comentario:

★Mel dijo...

Por fin Olimpe!!!

Años y años y esperando y molestandolos los ultimos meses en twitter jajajaja!

Aunque sea pequeño lo disfrutaremos tanto y quedara como una de las fechas mas memorables #OlimpeandMe jajajajaja
