viernes, 11 de julio de 2008


Difficult times have come: I've decided to paint my room and now everything's a mess.

7 comentarios:

Elizabeth dijo...

Uh oh! I hope everything comes out alright!

Seeker dijo...

That's the way things happen, to put something in order sometimes you must reach the caos.

You will manage that... and things will get back to "normal" soon ;)



..... dijo...

u'r blog is cool !! keep it up dudette !! me encanto

Imelda dijo...

Good luck!
i hope your room turns out great!
Show us when it's finnished!

P dijo...

-¿Por qué viajó el primer blogger de wordpress a blogpost?

-Mirá el logo de google.

trendt dijo...

io odio pinmtar jejeje siempre acaba mas pintura en mi ropa k en las paredes

Anónimo dijo...

best of luck and i can't wait to see pictures!