One of my favorite short-stories in the world was published for the first time 30 years ago. I can't believe how time goes. It is called "Girl" and was written by Jamaica Kincaid. I love it because the very first time I read it, I wasn't sure of what I read. It is not complicated, it's unusual.. and lovely. As it is really short, here it is. Please read it and tell me what you think.
Promise I'll post sooner. Things at school are not so over yet. Miss you guys!
First I have to show you 3 looks for day, evening and party. But I'm just going to show you one, ok? This is for day. I don't like the comb BUT I totally love the print.
This is for a quiet and nice evening. I love the dress and the shoes.
party party
Now I have to answer:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was finishing elementary school. Nothing really special, as far as I remember.
2. 5 things in yout to-do list for today -register myself in a University course - deliver the last paper of the semester -attend a conference on Indian women writers [I had the change to have a face-to-face conversation with the girl] -sleep -pick up my shoes
3. Snacks I like basically, chocolate
4. Places where you have lived I've just lived in Mexico City. Different parts but always here.
5. 5 things you would do if you were billionaire - I'd stop looking for a rich husband - Á la Virginia Woolf, I'd create a publishing house - I'd buy two beautiful houses, one for my mom, one for me - I'd get involved in a pro-animal association - I'd travel around the world
6. People you would like to know about -I'd like to know how Imelda manages to buy all those beautiful things if she is just a student. (please, give me your secret) - I'd like to know why the copycat does not have a life and keeps coping me - I'd like to know why the handsome professors at the University are gay or hang around with not-so-beautiful- girls.
I know I've been's all because of school. I'm sorry.
But I'm glad to tell you that everything will be over next Thrusday. Well, I still have to go to school but no more papers or final exams. In this picture, Mona perfectly expresses how I feel.
Last Sunday, my mom and me went to the movies and as we were in the mall we decided to take a look. I found these beautiful things. Sales are barely starting, so I'll wait before I really hit the stores. I made my wish list, hoping to buy wisely, if such a thing is possible.
I started to read The Wedding by Elizabeth Rees but I didn't like it. I was excited with it because it was inspired in the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck, which is a picture that I love. However, the book is really predictable and ends up being boring. I couldn't stand more than 5 chapters. There are lovely predictable books but the story is so cool that it doesn't matter. But this book it not that cool. I hate when I get disappointed. Well, I have more reading options.
To finish, I'm kniting again and I'm really happy for that.
ps. I cut my hair.
I'll check your blogs really soon. I miss you guys.
"I am not a cat person, Luce. I think people overwhelm pets with emotions they can't express to their friends. I'm sure most animals would prefer to be left alone."
A poem on the Canterbury Tales just because tomorrow I have an exam
'Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote The droghte of March, hath perced to the roote..' At the top of your voice, where you swayed on the top of a stile, Your arms raised- somewhat for balance, somewhat To hold the reins of the straining attention Of your imagined audience- you declaimed Chaucer To a field of cows. And the Spring sky had done it With its flying laundry, and the new emerald Of the thorns, the hawthorn, the blackthorn, And those bumpers of champagne You snatched unpredictably from pure spirit. Your voice went over the field towards Grantchester. It must have sounded lost. But the cows Watched, then approached: they appreciated Chaucer. You went on and on. Here were reason To recite Chaucer. Then came the Wfy of Bath Your favorite character in all literature. You were rapt. And the cows were enthralled. They shoved and jostled shoulders, making a ring, To gaze into your face, with occasional snorts Of exclamation, renewed their astounded attention, Ears angling to catch every inflection, Keeping their awed six feet of reverence Away from you. You just could not believe it. And you could not stop. What would happen If you were to stop? Would they attack you, Scared by the shock of silence, or wanting more-? So you had to go on. You went on- And twenty cows stayed with you hypnotized. How did you stop? I can't remember You stopping. I imagine they reeled away- Rolling eyes, as if driven from their fodder. I imagine I shooed them away. But Your sostenuto rendering of Chaucer Was already perpetual. What followed Found my attention too full And had to go back into oblivion.