miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008
22 years
I gotta breathe to stay alive
and 1 4 2 9 7 8
feels like I'm gonna suffocate
14 16 22
this skin that turns to blister blue
Yes my dear readers, today is my birthday
In a very casual way I celebrated my last hours with 21 years. I was supposed to meet a friend after my class but then, on the way she found another friend. So the four of us (my friend, the other friend, my student and me) decided to go and have a drink in the place nearby. We talked and have a nice moment remembering the old times, haha.
lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008
quotes from the book I'm reading
Well, at the beginning the aunt called Ask For Adams (yes, that's her name) writes what Casanova told her about travelling. I'll share it with you:
1. Do not set out in a spirit of acquisition, but go forth in the utmost humility, experiencing the same fervour you feel when choosing a lover, knowing a world of possibilities awaits you.
2. Write down what it is you desire and tear your wish into a dozen pieces. Then fling the scraps into a large body of water (ana ocean will do)
3. Travelling is like breathing, so exhale the old, inhale the new and allow your heartbreak to fall away behind you.
4. What you desire always awaits you if you are brave enough to recognize it.
5. Go only where your fancies take you. The path of pleasure and freedom is the best path for the traveller.
6. Arreange easy entrances and exits. Refresh yourself at comfortable lodgings. Then move on to other quarters, and forgive yourself the indulgence of necessary luxuries.
7. If you find a place that suits you, by all means stay. But you will not know the soul of its people until you can speak to them in their own language.
8. Accept others as you do yourself, but see them for who they are.
9. Your journey is not over until you bestow a gift on the lands you have visited, knowing full well that you will never be able to repay half the riches they bestow on you.
10. Go now and at once, taking Jacob Casanova's words to heart: Un altro mondo é possibile!
thinking blogger award

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008
are you ready for the red carpet?
Today I decided to accept a tiny little job, I mean, extra money is well received. What do you think about my blouse? I haven't wear it since ages ago and yesterday as I was considering what to wear I remembered its existance.

I've missed some classes because of my flu, which is bad because once you start to miss classes, you keep doing it. However, in the mid time I read Harry Potter ( I know I've already read ir but I just can't leave it) and some manga. My friend Melisa from Kore Sore introduced me Nana. It is the story of the different girls that share the same name... interesting. I'm dying to tell you about Atonement but I want to preper a nice post (the novel worths it)
Are you ready for the red carpet???
sorry I haven't left comments but I swear I've been reading you girls. The things is that my internet conexion do not let me comment. I just can comment while I'm at school but because of the flu I haven't gone.
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008
the moon and other things
I have a lot of homework to do and I'm sick--- bloody flu.

I'm a Harry Potter fan and tomorrow the Spanish version is going to be released. What I love is that I'm going to meet a friend that I don't see since, puff, ages. I'm still happy but not as euphoric as I was before. And about things that made me happy, Yesterday I watched Sweeny Todd. It is really funny how Johny kills people while he's singing. I loved the "pretty women" song. I think he's a good actor and the movie is really good.
domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008
a pre- birthday present

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008
and revelations continue
Too many things to read
Too many things to do
and my grandma birthday's party is this Sunday.
Life is fantastic. It's such a shame sometimes I don't appreciate it. But thank God sometimes I do.
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008
adios, adios
miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008
Mona's hair

As you can see, she was really hairy, poor girl. Now she looks really small but clean.
martes, 12 de febrero de 2008
my tries

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008
sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008
Those are shoes and trainers that I usually wear. However, today I decided to take a real look in my closet and I found these pairs that will help for spring/ summer times:
What I want to avoid is to have fixed looks, I mean, I always wear certain sweather with a certain blouse and a certain pair of jeans or whatever...you know what I mean..... I don't want to change my style, just to give it an innovative twist.
viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008
a weird week
I've discovered several things about life that I don't like but thank god I've also thought in solutions. I know that real changes do ot occure inmediately but I'm going to try. About my desire to experiment with clothes, I'm defentely going to do it. Thanks for your support, I'll show you how things go. I guess I should, primary, invest in accesories like bags and shoes mainly. Also to experiment with colors and prints and fabric. And to avoid my fixed looks...
I'll stop smoking
Revelation: I must be strong.
A start point (?)

credits: if I remember properly the last picture comes from Sara's blog and the others from style and gossip blogs.
p.s. Recently, negative(?) things have been happening to my hair so I want to interpret that as if it needed to be cut again in order to gain certain form. I'll try to do it soon.
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008
the revelations continue
Revelation: I must be brave
p.s. But when you make your own clothes it feels amazing...believe me.
miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008
black holes and revelations
First, I'm getting involved in linguistics and I've found them really interesting. According to my experience, people is so use to language that they forget the power it has. Language itself is an amazing process- I'd like to concentrate my academic life in that. I love and enjoy literature but sometimes it does not leave me as satisfied as linguistics....and let's not forget that literature is also language.
Talking about being an academic, I'd like to be a teacher and share my passion and enthusiasm about things. I know knowledge is power but for me keeping it does not makes me a better person or gives me satisfaction.
"I wanna take a bath with you and wash the chaos from my skin"
martes, 5 de febrero de 2008
first day

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008
You make my day

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008
visiting Mexico: Teotihuacan

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008

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viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008
my favorite month
Please be happy and enjoy the month